This idea was created by Primoz and me in november 2007 at Kalidays festival - it won the 1st place at the Start Smart Copy and Art workshop led by dutch creative team Martin Mol and Jos van der Lee. Here you can see them talking very nicely about our work! Anyhow, our task was to create a billboard, which would attract viewers to visit European film festival at Slovenian Cinematheque. Later on, I came up with some visual solutions for the slogans and two of them were realized in form of Feliks cards (free promo cards). Here is the first one: It says "European movie dares to be cheap" and it made it's way to the finale of Magdalena Festival last week. The second one says "European movie dares to ------- the hero" and unfortunately it didn't made it to the finale of Magdalena: The third one was even less fortunate: not only that it didn't made it into finale, but it was never printed as well ... It says "European movie dares to show MORE": Euroteka festival began in january and it will end next month, so I guess this is a conclusion of our idea as well.