Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Princeske: pozabljene ali nepoznane

This is Slovene edition of the superb French book written by Philippe Lechermeier and masterly illustrated by Rebecca Dautremer.

Princesses are enriched with Rebecca Dautremer's handwritten additions to the text and these parts require a copyist for translated editions. Here is how I undertook the task. :)
Conception artistique Maryvonne Denizet. Prelom Maja Čuk. Prevod Stana Anželj. Urednica Tjaša Koprivec. Izdala Založba Sanje. In še aktualna ponudba za iskalce zaposlitve:

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Bog: navodila za uporabo

God: Instructions For Use, new book by Nara Petrovič. I designed the book cover using Nara's own handwriting (we did this once before).

Knjiga je izšla pri založbi Žarek.